We are Indigenous people. We are a symbol, a representation of a unified movement fighting to defend the rights of indigenous people around the world. Indigenous people have one thing in common, we are of the earth, we are rooted in our culture that ties us biologically to a certain area of this world, our ‘aina (land). Indigenous Collective is a bold voice for every single Indigenous individual. We are anti-colonialism, and we fight against the constant battle of oppression and stolen lands.
For centuries Indigenous groups around the world have been battling foreign pressures, defending their Indigenous rights to their land, water, and culture. As our ancestors adorned themselves with markings and protective wear, we natives in a modern world have decided to create a clothing brand so we as indigenous can decorate ourselves with our identity, announcing our rights as indigenous peoples. Our mission is to be a voice for all natives through our bold statements. Our goal is to unify all indigenous peoples of the world and move as one powerful entity. How will we do this, you ask? Simple: Through clothing and accessories, what better way to make a statement than to wear it proudly on your body!
The single unifying issue facing Indigenous peoples everywhere is how to protect their territories, land and water. Without land and control of their assets, Indigenous Peoples are destined to remain the world’s poorest communities – with the worst health, highest mortality rate and shortest life span. Our movement will educate those unaware of these perils that threaten indigenous people. No longer will natives be overlooked. When you wear a piece of our clothing, you wear our mission, you are a part of our collective, you are family because we stand together as one. Here at Indigenous Collective we believe that clothing is more than just a means of covering one's body; it's a form of self-expression and a reflection of one's identity and ideologies.
For centuries Indigenous groups around the world have been forced out of their birth lands, we have been stripped of our culture and rights. Our movement is important because we are boldly saying “NO MORE”. To get back to the ways of our ancestors and their connection to the land is to decolonize our minds. This was a vital step in securing Indigenous rights worldwide. As a collective, one large movement united, we can advocate and support each other - making our voice heard, and bringing change,forming the world’s first global indigenous movement and getting back what is rightfully ours!